Astoria Living Soil

Filled Fabric Pot

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This premium quality fabric pot comes pre-filled with Wonder-Soil. These pots include a bag of cover crop seeds and mycorrhizae suspension (symbiotic fungal colonies) for transplanting. Just add water!

Our smallest pot of seven gallons will grow a large, heavily-producing tomato plant three or more feet tall with only water, and is suitable for balconies and outdoor spaces where space-saving is key. Our next largest, ten gallons, will grow a plant even larger, and requires less frequent watering. Our largest pot, fifteen gallons, will grow two or more plants, take almost all the guesswork out of watering, as well as give you the opportunity to grow multiple crops that compliment each other in the same pot.

The soil in these pots should sustain for at least three summers with just top dressings before needing to be re-amended.

The fifteen gallon pot is the recommended size for the best opportunity to maintain a healthy living soil over the long term. Smaller pots can be highly effective but require more frequent applications of compost or compost tea to reach their full potential.

Bloom Top Dressing is recommended in July for tomatoes, peppers, and cannabis over 3 feet tall, or to maximize your plant's genetic potential.

Larger  pots are available on request.